Geri Cottrell, MFT Intern

Geri Cottrell, MFT Intern

Tel: 631-296-1113

I am currently enrolled in Iona University’s Master’s of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy graduate degree program. Helping people has always been my passion and something that I find myself doing very naturally. Seeking out therapy comes easily for some and not so easily for others. Opening up about your most private experiences and feelings to someone you don’t know can be very scary; however, the beauty of the therapeutic journey is that once the connection is made with the right therapist, the walls come down and healing can begin. It is truly a gift!

My goal is to provide you with a safe, non-judgmental space where we can work together to get you on that journey and to empower you to overcome challenges, improve communication, create and achieve goals to improve your relationships and your life in general. Life is complicated and it’s not always easy. Having someone to talk to and to work through your difficulties with can make all the difference. I would love to be that person for you.

If you are looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation or you are just ready to move in a new direction in your life, we look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

You can call Geri at 631-296-1113, or contact us online.

We can help you find clarity, direction,
and purpose in your life